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Bimodal Pollination Systems in Andean Melastomataceae Involving Birds, Bats, and Rodent


Título: Bimodal Pollination Systems in Andean Melastomataceae Involving Birds, Bats, and Rodent.
Identificador de recurso:
Fecha: 2019-06-01
Autor: Dellinger, Agnes S.; Scheer, Lisa M.; Artuso, Silvia; Fernández-Fernández, Diana; Sornoza, Francisco; Penneys, Darin S.; Tenhaken, Raimund; Dötterl, Stefan; Schönenberger, Jürg.
Otros colaboradores:  
Editorial: The American Naturalist


Descripción Floral adaptation to a singlemost effective functional pollinator group leads to specialized pollination syndromes. However, adaptations allowing for pollination by two functional groups (bimodal pollination systems) remain a rarely investigated conundrum. We tested whether floral scent and nectar traits of species visited by two functional pollinator groups indicate specialization on either of the two pollinator groups or adaptations of both (bimodal systems). We studied pollination biology in four species of Meriania (Melastomataceae) in the Ecuadorian Andes. Pollinator observationsandexclusionexperiments showed that each species was effectively pollinated by two functionalgroups(hummingbirds/bats,hummingbirds/rodents,flowerpiercers/ rodents), nectar composition followed known bird preferences, and scent profiles gave mixed support for specialization on bats and rodents.Ourresults suggestthat nectar-rewardingMeriania species have evolved stable bimodal pollination strategies with parallel adaptations to two functional pollinator groups. The discovery of rodent pollination is particularly important given its rarity outside of South Africa.
Claves mixed pollination systems;  buzz pollination; nectar, floral scent; pollinator effectiveness; rodent pollination.
Relación e-ISSN: 1537-5323
Cobertura EC


Idioma en
Volumen 194 (1)
Formato pdf
Tipo de recurso texto
Fuente DOI: 10.1086/703517
Nombre de archivo 2019-06-01-dellingeragnes