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Species and geographic distribution of Mylossoma Eigenmann & Kennedy, 1903 from Ecuador.


Título: Species and geographic distribution of Mylossoma Eigenmann & Kennedy, 1903 from Ecuador.
Identificador de recurso:
Fecha: 2020-04-03
Autor: Valdiviezo-Rivera, Jonathan; Carrillo-Moreno, Carolina; Koch, Claudia.
Otros colaboradores:  
Editorial: Check List the journal of biodiversity data


Descripción A review of the species of the genus Mylossoma Eigenmann & Kennedy, 1903 found in the Ecuadorian Cis-Andean region was conducted. Two species were recognized: M. albiscopum (Cope, 1872) from the Putumayo, Napo, and Tigre river basins and M. aureum (Agassiz, 1829) from the Napo river basin. A map of geographical distribution and radiographs for both species are provided. Historical records of M. duriventre (Cuvier, 1818) were not confirmed in this geographical distribution
Claves Amazonian basin;  ichthyofauna; Neotropical fauna; Serrasalmidae.
Relación ISSN-L: 1809-127X


Idioma en
Volumen 16 (2)
Formato pdf
Tipo de recurso texto
Fuente  doi: 10.15560/16.2.317
Nombre de archivo 2020-04-03-valdiviezo-rivera