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A new species of Amyris (Rutaceae) form southerns Ecuador

Título: A new species of Amyris (Rutaceae) from southern Ecuador
Identificador de recurso: ISSN-L: 1179-3163

ISSN-I: 1179-3155

Fecha: 2015-01-01
Autor: Palacios Cuenca, Walter Armando
Otros colaboradores:
Editorial: Phytotaxa 
Derechos: Acceso abierto


Descripción A new species, Amyris karlitae, from southern Ecuador is described, illustrated and contrasted with closely related species. It is characterized by the following combination of characters: glabrous unifoliolate leaves with lamina elliptic, ovate-lanceolate or oblong-elliptic, 6–11 cm long, 4–6 cm wide, with apex acuminate or emarginate; secondary veins in 10–13 pairs, more or less convergent, inconspicuous, branched towards the margin; stamens 8, 4 short alternating with 4 longer. The new species grows in the semi-deciduous forests of southern Ecuador, between 1400 and 1700 m.
Claves aromatic; unifoliolate; emarginated; semi-deciduous forests.
Cobertura EC


Idioma eng
Volumen 220(1)
Tipo de recurso artículo
Nombre de archivo 2015-01-01palacioswalter1