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First infestation record of Epicrates cenchria cenchria (Squamata: Boidae) by Porocephalus (Pentastomida: Porocephalidae) in Ecuador.


Título: First infestation record of Epicrates cenchria cenchria (Squamata: Boidae) by Porocephalus (Pentastomida: Porocephalidae) in Ecuador.
Identificador de recurso:
Fecha: 2019-04-30
Autor: Pozo-Zamora, Glenda M., Yánez-Muñoz, Mario H.
Otros colaboradores:  
Editorial: Biota Colombiana


Descripción Endoparasites of the genus Porocephalus, which mainly affect lungs of snakes, are distributed in Asia, Africa and America. In Ecuador, these parasites have been reported only for Boa constrictor. Here, we report the first record of infestation of Porocephalus in Epicrates cenchria cenchria from the Ecuadorian Amazon, based on examination of museum specimens. We found 26 parasitic individuals in 4 infected snakes, with a maximum of 16 individuals in a juvenile snake, and a minimum of 2 in an adult snake. Morphometric characters of the Ecuadorian populations of Porocephalus do not agree with those described for the genus. Therefore, we recommend a thorough analysis to define the taxonomic identity of these parasites.
Claves Ecuadorian Amazon;  Hematophagous endoparasites;  Lungs. Rainbow Boa;  Snakes.
Relación e-ISSN: 2539-200X
Cobertura EC


Idioma en
Volumen 20 (1)
Formato pdf
Tipo de recurso texto
Fuente DOI: 10.21068/c2019.v20n01a08
Nombre de archivo 2019-04-30-pozozamora